Hello! I'm Dmitri Zdorov, but my friends call me Dimka, which inspired the name of this website. I've traveled extensively, living in various parts of the world including Boston, Moscow, Phuket, Riga, San Francisco, Tucson, and Denver.
Currently, I'm managing Domestic and International Operations at Digital on Demand, and I also contribute to product management and design for web and mobile software applications at Vedomatic. Throughout my career, I've experienced a diverse range of roles, from traditional employment to running my own business and freelancing.

I paint, and my artwork lives at
KazyaMazya.com and on Flickr
You can find me online:
Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Plurk and ЖЖ
Telegram Channels:
DimkaIMG — hand-picked inspirational images
Двести с полей — мой основной канал
Kazya Mazya world — showcase for my art

Fonts — home of typefaces I designed
Translated Book Covers — my nuanced book cover translations to Russian
Blog — my thoughts and findings
Movies — about films I like
42 чего-то — наш YouTube канал совместно с Аней Перелешиной
Подкаст Технологии и Жизнь и Youtube — подкаст, который мы записываем с Василием Мязиным Indeecast — Podcast Feed Management web app, in Beta.